Hey! Will you people use your real name for the chatbox cause this is really getting irritating!!! If you guys want to abuse the use of a chatbox, I will just gladly take it away.

Sorry for the harsh tone but it was meant for those who are writing retarded messages and don't have the guts to own up.... Leaving that aside, just watched a super Supernatural and Survivor: Micronesia again... Realised that sometimes trusting too much is a bad thing and it may cause you agony and to not trust anyone again, so a word of advise - Trusting is good but it may have adverse effects if there is too much of it.

4 DAYS TO SA1, I just hope that it would be all over and that I would have given it my very best... As they always say - 'Giving your best is all that matters'. =)

To Lionel : Cheer up and always keep in mind that God will always be there whenever you need him. Bible - 'I will not forsake you'

Now it is already morning so gooddd morning... Other than that lots of things have happened during this week, it had a been a hectic week and I have been keeping to my schedule (Hopefully it works, if not it must at least help a bit). I guess thats all for now... I won't bore you with all the boring stuff..

To everyone out there taking MYEs (Mid-Year Exams), Good luck and wish you the best of luck in whatever you aim for ^^

God Bless,
Joshua Yeo


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