Back after a long break from blogging. Well, been slacking lots these few weeks, as a result, I screwed up a bit of my A maths test today plus the fact that I am starting to make lots of careless mistakes in my E maths test, as reflected in my recent test result, 14/20. =( I guess it is time to stop slacking, mug 3 hours or more per day, restrict myself to just half an hour of computer games. 3 weeks more to SA1, nervous, sense of urgency? Now maybe not but when school reopens on thursday, I would be.
Going to get a crumpler hopefully after Lionel's concert which costs about $126, I think I am still short of about $50 deducting what my friends gave me so if you haven't, please support me financially if you can, take it as buying me a late birthday present, haha =)
Chem SPA on thursday, hopefully I would do better this time as compared to the first time which I screwed up a bit. Next week, lots of class test again I guess. Aiming for 10 points for this coming SA1, hopefully I can get it! ^^
Well, I guess for NCC Air, don't really feel I am really that committed to it anymore, maybe it is because of my part mates or maybe I am a senior now... Three more parades till I am officially done with NCC Air, Hope these three parades would be successful, especially POP (Passing Out Parade).
Ok I guess thats all, need to finish up homework now, will blog soon or maybe during June holidays which is a long time away, nitez world! =)
God Bless,
Joshua Yeo