Life is always making fun of people, sometimes Life let people have their way, other times, Life will just take control of itself and do the opposite of everything you want it to be. =(

NCC Air Part Ds, are we really united? Or are we just putting up a show? Last friday told us the answer to this question. I guess the reason for that thing to happen is because we were just not, not serious but we didn't give them ample time to practice before shooting and we left out some good traditions. I just hope that after last friday, all of you will just wake up from the nightmare and start doing things right, don't bother about the grudges you hold with each other, leave behind all differences and just work together to leave behind a legacy and in a way impact all the exisiting cadets in NCC Air. For myself, I would change for the better, I guess the real problem with me is that I lack confidence and I hope after this, I would be a better Part D PS.

For Andrew, this is all I have to say to you, let's bury the hatchet and seriously get some bloody work done. The problem why I can't really perform up to standard, partly is because of my parents. Just wanted to let you know, if you forgot.

Apart from NCC Air stuff, I guess there is nothing esle, bye everyone and enjoy your weekends!! =)

God Bless,
Joshua Yeo


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