Hi! It is super early in the morning & I have this sudden urge to blog,well so here I am =) Many things have happened during this holiday and recent ones are playing sports with Adwin, Yun Yi, Jason & my church friends (Tennis & Badminton), going to Escape Theme Park with Adwin, Yun Yi, JAson & Lionel which was super crazy, screaming and doing stupid things almost every time on every single ride & going to my primary school gathering (BBQ) which was equally fun though more people should have came. I guess it is inevitable that this holiday will come to an end very soon when we collect our results on the 12th of january. Good luck everyone & no matter what it is, it is never the end of the world. So till then, have fun & stay happy =) Thats all folks, have to go to church & sentosa soon! God Bless, Joshua Yeo