Tired... Today, I went to science centre for Biology, it was new and interesting. I found out that I had Alu ( a harmless virus that stays in your DNA). Learnt lots of things too about DNA and Bio Informatics.

We wore lab coats like scientists and used a micropipette which was something different from the usual pipette, it was more sophiscated and more user-friendly. After this experience, I would definitely put Bio Informatics as one of my choices for the subjects to study in Uni.

After the whole course, we were dropped off a bus stop and by miracle, it was my usual bus stop. I went running after that, I ran a total of 10km =) Didn't really expect myself to be able to do that after I had not been running for what seems like ages.

Ok thats will be all, Have a fun and fulfilling holidays, Nitez...

God Bless,
Joshua Yeo


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